Having a stable place to live provides a strong foundation for everything you need to do for successful reentry such as – finding a job, furthering your education or training, and getting your finances in order. Finding housing is tough but not impossible. An important step to avoid becoming homeless is to begin planning and identifying housing options while you’re still incarcerated.

Steps in your housing search:

  1. Set up SHORT-TERM HOUSING where you will go directly after release
  2. Get your ID (most housing programs require proof of who you are, your age, and proof of income including public benefits)

If possible, find an advocate – social service agency, case manager, friend or family member, faith-based organization, or probation officer who can help you find housing. It is very important to have support in this process and throughout reentry.




Long term housing might include: apartments and homes that are supported through government assistance for low income individuals and families, (though these often have long waitlists); single-room occupancy (SRO) units in apartment buildings or homes where you usually have a private bedroom and bathroom, but a shared kitchen and living space; rental apartments; and living permanently with family, friends, or other people who support you.


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